Saturday 31 January 2009

Me Got me Own Bike!

Check out what i spotted the other day. They are slightly more common these days but used to be real hard to get hold of. Designed by one of Italy's finest Bike company's which started its day in 1939 by Giuseppe Olmo.

This summer I'm gonna rock up on one of these beauties.

If anyone knows of someone selling an Olmo, it doesn't have to have track ends-though that would be a bonus, let me know please, preferably a vintage frame.

My Venom is still "hot right now" but i just can't not have my own name on my own know what i mean!

For now i leave you with a few pics of me...

Just found some more old pics from last summer.


1 comment:

  1. that is a very pretty bike Olmo! Both of them. Are you still working at stone island? I havent been down that way for almost 6 months!! x
